Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spring Break 2011 Part 2

Another day of our trip yielded a short jaunt to the Everglades for a mini-tour and the rest of the day spent at South Beach, Miami.

I found this awesome alligator necklace in a souvenier shop. I guess the necklace isn’t really as awesome as the alligator jewelry holder. Man, if someone proposed to me with this alligator as the ring holder, I would definitely say yes. Also we would have to have been dating for a while and spoken about marriage beforehand.

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Look! An alligator! It’s so lazy looking. They barely move but apparently if they snap their jaws shut, it generates 3k lbs of force!

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I took this really awesome picture of a rooster. Yay for macro mode on my camera working. My mom thinks the top of the rooster’s head looks like a raspberry, and I’m inclined to agree with her.

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An Asian family tradition – bring an excess of meal food on your trip so you don’t have to eat out as often. My mom brought bhel – a bunch of crunchy things, mung beans, potatoes, and chutney mixed together. She brought chutney! I would never think to bring chutney on vacation with me. I also would never think to bring meal food with me.

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After lunch, we went to MIA. (The city, not the airport; I can see how you could get confused, though.) Imagine my surprise when I saw an outdoor bar on Ocean Blvd. called The Clevelander! I wonder if LeDouche goes here when he’s feeling homesick.

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We got first dinner on Lincoln Blvd. I drank a cappuccino and my camera macro mode was on its finest behavior. My bro inexplicably decided that he likes cappuccinos as well and drank half of it.

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Lincoln Blvd. has a bunch of clothing and jewelry retailers. I really liked this display in one of the windows, with the mannequin heads fashioned out of faux-light bulbs. This is definitely something I want to emulate, especially with incandescent light bulbs being outlawed.

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We took a walk on South Beach after walking around Lincoln Blvd., and my mom and I took this adorable picture. There was apparently a Food+Wine festival on South Beach the weekend before I was there starring many Food Network stars, including Paula Deen. I’m guessing that whatever Paula Deen contributed to the festival was not aligned with the South Beach diet.

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