Friday, December 23, 2011

The Glitter French Mani

This might just be the lamest post ever, but I am so so so excited about it. I’m wearing nail polish for the first time in years (not counting My First Manicure in October) and glitter is all the rage this season.

2 coats of a gold sparkle with 1 half coat of red sparkle (the top half). I’m really skilled of taking pictures of my hands. I don’t know what I was thinking; I should have been a hand model. What am I doing with my life?!

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Happy Festivus! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sparkle Mini-Dress

I went to the thrift store again this past weekend because I’m addicted now apparently (I need to get the patch probably) and bought this lovely … (maybe top of a 2 part) 80s dress thingy. So many beads. I thought, “Wow, I could totally rock this as a mini-dress!” Too bad I got home and realized my torso is longer than I thought it was. Oh well. Still trying.

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I cut out the shoulder pads and cut off the sleeves. Then I took the sides of the dress in a few inches so it would be a tiny bit more fitted. The sleeves were hemmed exactly where I cut them so it would fall a little farther off my shoulders than a regular tank top would. Then I forgot to document these steps in a pictorial so I’ll give you a close up of some beading.

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Yeah! It’s obscenely short so I’m wearing it with leggings as pants.

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And here I am, bringing sexyback. I wonder how many times that joke has been used to describe a showy back. Probably enough that would make this joke non-creative.

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And here I am modeling the dress with a blazer! Maybe I can wear it for New Year’s Eve. And if there were any doubt in your mind that I hadn’t watched the video from The Ring, check out my face in this picture.

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In other news, I just painted my nails with glitter and it looks like Edward Cullen threw up on my hands.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Sparkle Sweater Skirt II

Another sweater skirt! I started off with this beautiful gold sparkly sweater from the thrift store. I bet it would fit incredibly well with the shoulder pads and all.

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I cut off the sleeves and neckline, and pinned the sleeve area into a more skirty shape.

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Then, I folded the top over and sewed it about 1.5 inches down to make a waistband.

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Then, I found this old valence in my fabric stash and made a waist ribbon out of it. (Sidenote: I didn’t buy this to use as a valence. I bought it because the fabric was just so gorgeous.

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I cut some holes for the ribbon to go through the skirt waist.

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I need to figure out a different way to take pictures of myself. It took me maybe 6 times to take this picture and it is still sort of sucky. Maybe a roommate?

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Bokeh! Hey new camera! (Nikon Coolpix, amazing.)

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Sparkle is the best part about the holidays.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Sparkle Sweater Skirt

I am obsessed with sparkles. I bet that’s probably because it’s holiday season and sparkles are almost always in style during the holiday season.

I went to the thrift store to see if I could find something super sparkly to alter for New Year’s Ever, and I ended up with more sparkles than I should have. I got this wonderful black sweater vest with built in gold sparkle thread.

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I sliced off the bottom of the sweater under the armholes for the bottom of my skirt, and I cut up a slightly smaller length rectangle for the waistband.

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I sewed together the sides of the waistband and then folded it in half and sewed it to the bottom part of the skirt. I initially tried to do this with my sewing machine, but this material was so stretchy that the fabric didn’t move at all with the machine’s feed dog. Hand sewing commence!

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Once this was done, I threaded the waistband with a couple of pieces of yarn to act as the drawstring.

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I wore this skirt out last night with some friends and asked one friend to take a picture of me. My face would say otherwise, but I promise I haven’t watched the 7 days video in The Ring.

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No, I’m not wearing this for NYE. I bought something much much worse for that. I’m planning on destroying that soon and I  am really nervous that It won’t end up being wearable. Here goes nothing…

Sunday, December 4, 2011

French Pouf

I saw this tutorial for making a poufy thing on …love Maegan before summer ever started. Procrastinating for approximately 7 months, I finally got around to trying making this pouf.

I had this gorgeous dress from my freshman year that I bought for an 80s prom party. Actually, looking back, I don’t think it was an 80s prom party. I think we just dressed that way. Hmm. Gorgeous, right? Dig those fishnets. This was 7 years ago. I feel old. I have lots of better pictures than this but I’m not sure my friends would appreciate having terrible pictures posted of them  in public. (It took me maybe 20 minutes to find this picture. After I realized that it was taken before Facebook pictures was invented, I had to pull out the old external hard drive and dig through 13 folders all named ‘My Pictures’.)

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I cut out the innards of this dress, which is a sort of petticoat thing made from heavy tulle and some sort of nylon thing. Really expensive fancy materials.

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I cut these into circular type shapes, mostly by folding over so I only had to cut 4 times. I made approximately 20 tulle circles and 10 nylon circles.

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I ~folded each circle over twice and started sewing them into a circular type shape. I used a layer of 4 tulle, 4 nylon, 4 tulle, 4 nylon, 6 tulle.

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Then, I sewed a canvas backing on and added a safety pin.

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It looks almost romantic. I showed one of my friends and she told me it looked like a tacky prom dress. Hahaha. It kind of is.

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Garlic Grilled Cheese

Yes, it’s approximately 10:30p on a Saturday night, but I just finished my dinner. I had the brilliant idea to use my (mostly) empty fridge and make grilled cheese…of the garlic variety.

My cheese didn’t fit the bread exactly, so I tore it up and mosaicked it so that it would sort of fit. My theory is that when it’s mosaicked, it will melt and cover the bread so there aren’t any voids once it’s melted.

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Then I ate it using dipping sauce that I had leftover from Dewey’s last week.

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