Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lady Gaga wants YOU to have a bad romance with a zombie

There was a “Zombie Walk” for charity in Lakewood yesterday, so I went to there. And then I had a fantastic thought. What if I could combine being a zombie with one of my 24 before 24 items?

Lady Gaga. That’s right. Undead and glamorous.I dressed up as Zombie Lady Gaga. I had a hair bowtie which took me approximately 20 minutes to figure out how to make, a silver-sequined bra (onto which I essentially just glued/sewed silver sequins), and blood wounds on my décolletage and cheek.

lady gaga thirller

bow closeup

A nice zombie lady was offering people some fresh brains.

brain zombie lady

A car got attacked by zombies!

car blood

The bar where the walk started, and the amazing awesomeness of my camera skills.

see how crappy my camera is
Also, unrelated to zombies, there was some guy wearing sweatpants and cowboy boots!! HOT.

boots with the sweats

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday always invariably turns into the day I eat half my kitchen

So I thought I would commemorate today with a posting of some cute little foodstuffs I’ve made recently.

At the WestSide Market in Ohio City, I bought a bunch of asparagus yesterday. I always get asparagus because I love, love, love asparagus soup. It’s one of my favorite soups to make (and eat) along with roasted red pepper soup, but that’s a story for another day. Basically, this soup involves boiling a small onion, a bunch of asparagus, and a medium potato in approximately 4 cups of water and a cube of bouillon (veggie bouillon, of course) until all the vegetables are a soggy mess. Then blend it with a couple of spoonfuls of plain yogurt and pepper. Then, strain it (I got a brand new strainer last week that I was so excited to try out!) and slurp it up. I garnished it with a little too much cilantro, but it looks pretty :)


Since I’m into this new fad of making my food look yummy, I decided to make this. I sliced up a zucchini, put a dollop of plain yogurt on top, and sprinkled salt and “Italian seasoning” on the yogurt. It ended up looking really cute and tasting delicious. I love-love-love using yogurt as a starter for dip – much healthier than sour cream (and plain yogurt tastes so good).


Another thing about this Sunday: I spent approximately 4 hours today reading Black Heels to Tractor Wheels, the love story of the Pioneer Woman. Oh gosh. So romantic. Much better than a Harlequin romance (not that I've ever read one...)

Where is my Marlboro man?
Where is his shiny gun?
Where is my lone ranger?
Where have all the cowboys gone?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

An Olympic-Sized Post

So about a month and a half ago, I completed one of the items on my "24 before 24" list.

I went to the 2010 Winter Olympics, in Vancouver, BC!

I flew from CLE to SEA and then drove to the V (that was my cute little rhyme for the trip). I saw a hockey game in-person (Russia vs. Czech Republic, but the woman guiding people into the stadium called it Russia vs. Czechoslovakia) and a hockey game on a big screen (USA vs. Canada, the real game that TEAM AMERICA won).

Here are the highlights.

The Olympic lane was apparently a necessity in Vancouver...
Our first view of Vancouver, SeaBussing into the City.

The GE Ice Plaza...I got really excited by it, haha.

The Cauldron! This one had four torches so you KNOW it couldn't have been the one that they showed on national television.

I saw a sewing shop in Vancouver also, and there were a bunch of sewing machines and once again, I got really excited. See inset for lots and lots of thread.

The hockey arena was pretty sweet.

The hockey players warming up with lots and lots of pucks that you can't see in this picture.

The Olympic Zamboni. I love the mascots for the Olympics!

"Good game, good game, good game, good game..."

We saw a toddler wearing a diaper, hockey jersey, hockey mask, and a little hockey stick. So did a Mountie. She wanted to take a picture with it. Hockey baby!

Oh, the mascots...
And I'll leave you with a picture of me, a torch, and a fake flame.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Secret Tofu

I'm a vegetarian. I often get asked, "What do you eat?!" by many an incredulous bystander. The simple answer to that is that I generally eat FOOD.

I love cooking. I often get asked, "What do you make?" by many an incredulous bystander. The simple answer to that is that I generally make FOOD.

That being said, I am going to show you what I eat and what I cook. I use really simple ingredients that are (generally) healthy and (generally) really, really tasty.

Today I made a spinach salad with a dressing of lime, pepper and salt. To top it off, I added tofu!
Tofu is really easy to cook. I marinated the tofu in oil, salt and "Italian Herbs" (haha) and then I sauteed it on medium heat for about 10 minutes till it was browning.


Also, those damn vegetarians...eating the rainforest!