Sunday, May 20, 2012

Blog Swap: Cookerati

I’m participating in the Ohio Blogger’s Association May blog swap, check out my post at Cookerati!

Mango Mint Cooler


Hi, I’m Diana Hayes proprietor of Cookerati, a food and dining community. Cookerati has been in existence for about 4 1/ 2 years now and I’ve had a really good time with it learning and improving my cooking and creative thought process in the kitchen. Cookerati is about recipes, dining reviews, gadgets, book reviews, and general food talk.

Today, I’m sharing a recipe for a Mango Mint Cooler. I had a few ideas, but this was a refreshing treat. I love mango, plenty of good stuff including vitamin A, Vitamin C, B6 and fiber. I think though the white wine added probably negates some of that. It was a warm day, so I made this treat to share with my husband on the deck when we took a break from our weekend chores.

1 mango
1 nice big bunch of mint
1 cup full of ice
1 cup of white wine


Peel and pit the mango, placing the pulp in a food processor, blender or drink mixer.

Remove the mint leaves from the stem and place into the processor.

Add the ice and wine to the processor.

Whirl until smooth. Mango can be very fibrous and very thick, so you may need to add more ice, or wine to your own tastes in order to thin the cooler a little. I threw some ice in the glass to make it really cold and refreshing.

One of my favorite things to do on the weekend is to take a little time out on the deck with my husband and unwind with a nice drink. You can leave out the alcohol and add some sparkling soda if you wish to go non alcoholic.


  1. Yum yum yum! I'm known online as mangovino so this is right up my alley. Sounds like a perfect patio sipper. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have never had mango in a drink before! Interesting!

  3. I'm a huge mango fan and this drink sounds really refreshing. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  4. Sounds lovely and refreshing. Just stopping by from the OBA Swap to say hello.

  5. I made a version of this last night, except we subbed in Pineapple for the Mango. Delicious.

    At first we were nervous when the the mixture came out of the blender foamy and flecked with mint leaf particles, but the foam quickly separated and left us with a very pretty lime color and even tastier drink!
