Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I saw this method of making prints on Pinterest, and thought maybe I could do it! Wishful thinking.

I cut up a polystyrene plate into a rectangle shape. Well, in the picture it looks more like an oval, and you probably can tell. But it was a rectangle when I finished cutting it.

DSCN0659 (Small)

I used my computer tracing method to trace a map of Michigan backwards. See, you have to do this backwards, because otherwise, your PRINT would be backwards.

DSCN0664 (Small)

So I didn’t have any sharp objects to trace this out the way I wanted to, so instead I sharpened one of my paintbrushes and used that to trace it. Yeah, my paintbrush is super sharp now.

DSCN0667 (Small)

I cut up some packaging paper for printing on…

DSCN0663 (Small)

Here it is with blue! I placed the polystyrene stamp on the paper, after I had smeared paint all over it (with the aforementioned paintbrush), then used a rolling pin to smash the paint onto the paper.

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And maize!

DSCN0673 (Small)



  1. This is awesome. I have to try it!!! :)

    1. it's pretty easy. I think I need a thicker paint though.
