Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lady Gaga wants YOU to have a bad romance with a zombie

There was a “Zombie Walk” for charity in Lakewood yesterday, so I went to there. And then I had a fantastic thought. What if I could combine being a zombie with one of my 24 before 24 items?

Lady Gaga. That’s right. Undead and glamorous.I dressed up as Zombie Lady Gaga. I had a hair bowtie which took me approximately 20 minutes to figure out how to make, a silver-sequined bra (onto which I essentially just glued/sewed silver sequins), and blood wounds on my décolletage and cheek.

lady gaga thirller

bow closeup

A nice zombie lady was offering people some fresh brains.

brain zombie lady

A car got attacked by zombies!

car blood

The bar where the walk started, and the amazing awesomeness of my camera skills.

see how crappy my camera is
Also, unrelated to zombies, there was some guy wearing sweatpants and cowboy boots!! HOT.

boots with the sweats


  1. SEQUINED BRA=AMAZING. Where do you buy a sequined bra?

    I love the sweatpants and cowboy boots picture.

  2. can we zoom in on the bar for better detail?

  3. What was the deal with that? and for what charity? It went through my neighborhood and was being filmed by 2 local film directors I knew and also some theatre actors i knew were in it. i hadnt heards about it previously but would have liked to go...
