Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Vest of Both Worlds

Yes, that is a Hannah Montana song reference in my title.

I redid a really old, huge blazer to make this adorabizzle vest!!

I made the roses, AND the buttons! I think I will wear this every single day.

Check it:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Adventure in the D!

Today, K and I took a trip to Detroit. Our main intention was to first eat linner (lunch/dinner) in Mexicantown, and then go to Hockeytown Cafe and watch the Red Wings win.

Here are some snippets of our D-venture!

A vastly decorated stop sign--I've noticed that many people like to decorate stop signs. They are octagons, which are less coolly shaped than yield signs (triangles).

The smooshed trashcan tied to a rusty lamp column.

See, if I were trying to be museumesque, I would use the word "juxtaposition" to describe this picture. Whenever I go to a museum, "juxtapose" or a form of it is often used to describe the scene. So...the juxtaposition of the old, decrepit building with the newer, pretty building trying to be seen behind it can be used to represent the D. It's a new city trying to get out of a bad reputation. Also, I really wanted to find a Church's Chicken juxtaposed with a real church but that didn't happen.

The Detroit Public Library has one of the coolest interiors I've ever seen in a public library. There are stained glass windows and a bunch of murals. Go check it out. Seriously.

Yay, my camera focused on something really close to it! FINALLY. This is a fence on the back of what used to be the front of the DIA, and you can kind of see the reflection of the DPL but not really.

Another decorated stop sign, all for you Kwame!

The roaring tiger in front of Comerica Park. RAWR! :) It's kind of cute.
Here is Athena, in a memorial fountain for Russell Alger. (?) I guess he is military.

They had Red Wings Trivia at Hockeytown Cafe, where we watched the Wings get to 3-0 in the series against the CBJ (just another reason to hate Co-LAME-bus). K and my phone-ternet helped us get to the final round to win stuff. But then we didn't win :(

They were giving away playoff beards at Hockeytown Cafe, and I asked the guy for two, so he gave me three. Let me know if you want one. Claimed by Dovbear. They are itchy and the hair gets stuck to everything, especially the mouth.

I think this is supposed to introduce a new energy source to Pakistan?

IOEs...I never know what to do with you :)

Ok, I might have giggled a tiny bit.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


With the recent premiere of a TVLand show called The Cougar (maybe I forgot about it but I seriously intended to watch!) I felt that this post is necessary.

I've been called a cougar before, mostly by gerbils and other small rodents. Ok, so maybe that's slightly untrue. However, I am in a facebook group called Cougar (for a Lab group) so I think that makes me qualified to write this post.

I was in Austin this past long weekend (maybe it was just long for me because I have about an 8-mo long weekend that I'm currently muddling through) and we went to Hillel for services. So there was this 30ish year lady there.

She was all out, wearing ass-tight jeans and a cleavage-baring top. She started talking to me, sticking her cleavage in my nose, so naturally I asked her what classes she was taking, what her major was, and blah blah blah. I discovered that she's in Calculus and she's majoring in 19 year old boys and student athletes.

Apparently she's had some conquests! I didn't know that Cougars actually got any. I almost asked her if she was a Cougar, but I'm sure she wouldn't have been too happy with that question from a girl she just met.

I can't wait til I'm 35 and can be a Cougar.

:Edited to Add: I just watched 20 minutes of The Cougar because they are showing repeats of it. This lady does not look talk like she's 40.

Quotes from the younguns:
"You do not look old enough to be a cougar...wait, that's wrong."
"I hope this cougar likes herself some lamb, because I am young and tender."

:ETA Some More: My friend (24) (who wishes to remain anonymous [because it's someone you might know]) has recently dated a cougar (42). Apparently my friend likes cougars, which I didn't know before, and this lady was barely on facebook (6 friends and a forgotten password)! Haha. Ok the reason he likes cougars is because they don't play games, and they just are what they are. She doesn't flake out, she's not about status and doesn't act like she's too good to be around you. So basically because she's not a girl, she's a woman! (Way past the in-between stage).

I dunno, I know a lot of girls that are my age (22) and still manage to find guys their age (22) that can put up with girly-ness :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Wild, Wild Midwest

April 5, 2009
1pm - Got Brunch with the bf, walked because it looked like a fine spring day.
5pm - It started raining and got me so da-amp.
6pm - Decided to stay in AA for an extra day so I could cook dinner for the bf

April 6, 2009
1am - Thought that staying might have been a poor decision because it started snowing
12pm - Woke up luxuriously and ate lunch (leftovers of prev. night's cooking)
1pm - Looked outside
1:01pm - Hid under covers for a few minutes because the entire outside had been erased and now was just a blank white piece of paper or similar. Decided to drive home at 3pm.
3pm - Did not drive home.
3:15pm - Reluctantly decided to drive home. Could not find car.
3:20pm - Found car, it had miraculously changed color from Sky Blue to White, no wonder couldn't find it. Was extremely thankful that my snow brush was still in the car
3:24 pm - Finished brushing THREE INCHES of snow off the car

April 7, 2009
1pm - Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head
2pm - The second snow of spring!
6:30 pm - Frosty the snow man was a very jolly soul. He was also excited that he got to unhibernate.
6:35pm - It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!