For my third day in Oz, Katie and I went for breaky (Aussies abbreviate breakfast) at Mad Duck Café in the Docklands. We started off with a breakfast bev – I got a cappuccino (I looove Australian cappuccinos) and Katie got a hot chocolate. This picture is gorgeous.
I got a delicious Eggs Florentine for my entrée. Oh my gosh, I am salivating right now thinking of it.
And of course, no breaky would be complete without champagne :)
Look at the view! I could definitely be in an advert for something. And the boats in the background aren’t that bad, either :) When I grow up, I wanna be famous.
Love this photo of my champagne.
After finishing breaky around 11:30a, KT decided that she should probably go to work. We started walking back to the tram and got to go through this cool bridge. I love the shadows on the ground from the structural elements.
I scarily took the tram from a place that I didn’t know to the Queen Victoria Market.
Queen Victoria Market was a gigantic area full of booths that sold things like koala/kangaroo salt and pepper shakers, boomerangs, and Justin Bieber t-shirts. Little Brother told me that he wanted a koala bear in a kangaroo’s pouch from Oz, and I tried to search for one here (in vain).
After the market, I went to the Melbourne Library to do some light reading. Just kidding. I went to look at it. THe outside kind of reminded me of New York City for some reason.
The library itself had a mini-art gallery inside, as well as an entire room devoted to chess! There are way too many chess books out there, probably all full of numbers and letters instead of sentences. There were also many tables in which to play a game of chess (if you so wished, which I definitely did not).

I then took a mini-break at in one of the alleyways. I sat down for about an hour to drink a cappuccino, read Jurassic Park, and people-watch.

I <3 my cappuccinos.