Saturday, April 9, 2011

I went to Australia last November: Day 2 Part 1

On my first full day in Oz (or my second day), I spent the morning, alone, in downtown Melbourne, walking around and looking at the National Gallery of Victoria International.
I saw this beautiful tower on my way there – it’s atop the arts centre right next to the National Gallery of Victoria. It kind of looks like the Eiffel Tower on top of a mesh Pringle.
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The outside of the National Gallery was comprised of glass sandwiching a waterfall -- so gorgeous.
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This painting was weird. And awesome. But mostly weird. Lots of symbolism…Or maybe just a Mother Nature theme. But with my knowledge of art, it probably means something completely different than what I’m construing. 
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There was a stained glass ceiling inside the Museum. The picture stitching feature on my camera totally botched the lines in the stained glass.
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After the art museum, I went to Melbourne Uni to grab lunch with KT and her colleagues. I want to go to Melbourne Uni. for graduate school.
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We went to lunch at Pizza by the Metro, where they had pizza by the meter. So delicious. I think Katie’s colleagues thought I was ridiculously weird (but mostly lovely). The pizza was delicious, and it was even more marvelous that it came by the metre (or half metre, I think in this case.)
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The restaurant had this awesome stained glass window with rifles in it! I thought I was back in ‘merica for a second. Gosh, I wish I had a rifle stained glass. Project idea?!
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We went for a post-lunch jaunt to a local grocery store, where I discovered that they used the refrigerator LED lights that I had worked on at my internship in 2008! So cool, halfway across the world!
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After that, KT left me to go back to work and I took a bus tour of Melbourne. They have free bus tours of Melb for all the tourists! So cool! I saw this Costco on the tour. Man, why don’t the Costcos of America have the architectural design of the Oz Costcos? (CostcOz?)
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I saw this Stop sign. I wish I could stop worrying. When I was on holiday, oh God, I didn’t worry at all. I stopped thinking about work, I stopped thinking about school, I didn’t worry about anything in my life. I guess that’s why it’s called a holiday.  (Also, not sure which is more interesting: this stop sign or the ones I saw in Detroit.)
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Stop worrying. Also, probably should stop your car here as well.

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