Sunday, September 9, 2012

Melted Crayons and such

I am sure that everyone has seen the Pinterest-viral craft of gluing crayons to a canvas and then melting them to get some pretty wax streaks. Well, I have jumped on the crayonwagon and also tried this craft out. Crafter Emily invited me and other members of craft club over to her house for a BYOCanvas crayon melting party.

We set up shop in her garage, where she had a plethora of crayons waiting for us. In this picture, Jessica is on the left, Anita is on the right, and Emily’s canvas of mostly blues and green is in the middle. I secretly think she invited us over to get rid of the rest of the crayons she acquired in her quest for blues and greens.


Here is Ali, blurrily heat gunning her project. She has taped off a stencil of a couple under an umbrella but I don’t have a finished project picture. I also don’t think Ali has a finished project.


Emily, Ali, and Anita watched as the crayons melted along the canvas.


Completed Projects: Ali, Anita, and Emily&Nathan.

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And as for me? (You’ll see, SLAM YOUR BODY DOWN AND WIND IT ALL AROUND) I decided to do something for my parents, since their house is like a fridge (they hang up my artwork EVERYWHERE). Since their kitchen and living room is varying shades of pink (ranging from carnation pink to deep maroon), I collected the pinks and reds and glued them diagonally on both ends.


Then I heat gunned them. When I took it to Michigan, I put it in the car the night before and the 90+ degree heat (Fahrenheit, of course) caused the crayons to melt even more. This is it hanging up in my parents house. There used to be a v. large framed photo here from my Senior Year homecoming by myself so that my parents and brother could pretend I still ate dinner with them every night once I moved out. I thought that was creepy so I gave them this instead.


Thanks to Emily for hosting this and making a gorgeous assembly of bread and jams for us to nosh on!


I now have a large plethora of crayons since Emily and Jessica no longer wanted theirs. Ideas???

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