Monday, May 7, 2012


Last year (or perhaps even the year before - I’m a hoarder), I was wandering down Larchmere for the annual Larchmere Festival. There used to be a thrift shop there called Thriftique, run by the NCJW, and they were having a moving sale. I found these plates and they let me have 20 of them for one dollar! I know a good craft project when I see one. Like I said, I’m a hoarder. :(

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I decided to make one of the plates into an homage to Chicago as a gift for a friend. I cut out a square of map and laid it on top of the plate. Then, I went to town on it with an aspirator. That description sounded dirty. That’s ok, though. Moistening the paper will make it take the form of whatever it’s sitting on. You probably knew that, though.

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I cut out the excess and then glued the paper down to the plate (once it was dry, of course).

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Once that had been glued down, I waited 3 months to make sure it had been properly glued. Yes, that’s right, 3 months. I procrastinate. It happens. Don’t try to tell me that you’ve never procrastinated. Once it had dried, I painted the border gold, since I’m apparently not super talented at cutting perfect circles. Don’t tell me you’re talented at cutting perfect circles.

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With another plate, I covered it in black paint. Then, I started painting silvery dots on the plate. This is another type of circle I’m not super talented at making. Some are blobs and some are even more blobby.

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Three levels later, I’m at a completed plate. Yay! :) I only procrastinated on this project for 4 days. I am so proud of myself.

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I’m trying this new thing where I don’t procrastinate in my personal life as much. I’ll start that soon.

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