I told my friend Ish that I would make art for her like 3 years ago, even though I only met her 1.5 years ago. She found this on Pinterest and had the thought that I could make it from business cards! YES. After scrounging around for about half an hour in my living room for my old business cards, I painted each one with a ombre of a color.
Then, I sorted the cards and painted a tree on them.
I used a hole punch to punch out similarly colored pieces of magazine to use as the “leaves” and glued them to the cards.
Yeah. They look just as stupid in person. Oh well. I’ll get ‘em next time, Tiger. Remember how MJ randomly started calling Peter Parker ‘Tiger’ in Spider-Man 3: Spidey Goes Emo? I think it’s from the comic, but it’s bizarre since he’s Spider-Man! Shouldn’t she call him sometime more appropriate, like ‘Brown Recluse’? (Unrelatedly, I had Googled ‘spider types’ and forgot that Google likes give me images sometimes. Blerg.)
Hmm. I guess I didn’t feel like being that funny today. Probably residual stomach flu from the weekend. I hear not only does it make you throw up a bunch, it also affects your funny bone. Also, apparently the humerus is NOT the funny bone, as I thought until about 30 seconds ago. According to Wikipedia, it’s called the “Ulnar Nerve”, which is odd, since when are nerves bones? #TheMoreYouKnow
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