I’ve always wanted a secret compartment book, and since Tuesday is craft night, my friend Anna and I thought it would be Toads McGoats (on purpose) if we made them! If you look through the Internet for a tutorial, it will tell you things like ‘Use the Xacto knife to cut through 1,000,000,000 pages’ or ‘Why don’t you own a scroll saw to cut through books, dumbass?’ So since I’m ultra lazy sometimes, I had to devise my own method. (By devise my own method, I mean sort of use the method here.)
I started out with an Encyclopædia Britannica (surprise! I used an encyclopedia for this) and cut out the actual content.
Then, I haphazardly devised a box shape out of a cardboard box that I had. This cardboard box was from a 20” box fan that I bought during the first Heat Wave of 2011. I was saving the box for this very project apparently.
Then, I covered this fan box (see what I did there?) with corrugated cardboard to give it a look like it was pages. It doesn’t look like pages at all, in fact, but actually a fan box covered with corrugated cardboard.
Then! I glued the fan box (does anyone else want that to say fan boy?) the inside of the book, which I had neatly dressed up in encyclopedia pages. I also glued the inside edge of the book to the fanbox assembly.
Ta-Dah! I glued a tiny bit of corrugated cardboard to cover the fanbox corners.
I use it to store my remotes. My remotes will never go missing again! (That’s not entirely true. Less than 10 minutes after I stored these, my living room was still a mess and I wanted to change the channel. I tried in vain to find my remotes but this box was ever-so-new to my decor that I had completely forgotten about it.)
Unrelatedly, Anna has me in her phone as ‘Nidhi Currypants’.
MY PARENTS HAVE THAT SAME SAMSUNG REMOTE!!! Ami linked me here to your cool book. :) (-Kim)
ReplyDeleteIs it still a secret compartment book if everyone knows what you store in it? Mine is empty at the moment. Or is it??
ReplyDeleteI had so much fun making these. Crafting with you was a blast, even if your pants do smell like curry. <3