I’ve been in lust with this j crew bubble necklace for a really long time, and I could probably have afforded it a few months ago. But now, being funemployed at all, I can’t even afford the off-brand bubble necklaces that have been popping up everywhere for $30.
I decided to hap-hazardly attempt to make my own. I used Sculpey clay in white, tore it up to “condition” it or whatever, and made a bunch of nice round circles in two different sizes. I also had a couple of gold chains I had acquired a long time ago from a jewelry “grab bag” from a thrift store.
In order to attach everything together, I used the chain as a sort of “hinge” between each piece, and pressed a little more polymer clay on top of each piece in order to secure the chain to the clay.
Then, I baked the clay per the instructions on the package and/or may have left it in a little too long because it apparently started turning brown :(
I painted it turquose using a mixture of acrylic paint, glue, and water.
Here is what it looks like, finished, on encyclopeda pages. This is the best picture I could get of it, since I am apparently terrible at taking self picturess of my décolletage (see next picture).
In retrospect, I would have used color clay instead of using white and then painting it. This is probably more of a summer necklace? How do you wear it in the winter because scarf season! SCARF SEASON!