Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Book Packaging

So I borrowed a book from a friend like last March, and completely forgot about it until I found it in the depths of my art studio apartment. Yeah. It’s November. I should have returned it ages ago but I didn’t.

I decided to package it up all nicely for her as a tiny surprise if/when I decide to give it back. Ughhh.

I started with a brown paper bag in which I had received some vegetables or similar.

IMG391 (Small) 

I cut it into a belt that I glued around the book. As soon as I did this, I was reminded of the Harry Potter book The Monster Book of Monsters. I don’t think that this book would ever try to bite me, but who even knows.

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I used some (surprise) encyclopedia paper and created some paper stars using this tutorial. Ok, so maybe I learned how to do it in 8th grade from the girl who sat in front of me. The things I remember about her are that she knew how to make paper stars and that she wore faux glasses with yellow lenses. This was before hipsters were cool. 
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I glued these paper stars to the book belt and wrote “Thank you!” on it. In case you’re wondering, I still have absolutely no idea how to carry out a love affair. 

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Another thing about the paper stars: I was obsessed with making them in 8th grade after I learned how. I made a bunch and would show them to everyone in my classes. Then, this kid that I had a crush on stuck a paper star down his pants. I didn’t have a crush on him anymore. Ewww.


  1. bahahahaha You know how to pick good crushes!!! Also, I can see you as Rachel Berry giving everyone your little gold stars! :)

  2. No idea how to carry out a love affair? That's too bad, such a vital lesson! :)
