My friend/ex-neighbor Genevieve (from the creeptastic sorority house where I accidentally lived) is originally from the CLE area, so when she was back here to do some wedding planning, she invited me I invited myself to her parents’ house south of CLE.
It ended up being very farmy, which is soo exciting!! The barn was awesome. Genevieve’s younger brother Isaac is in 4-H, so the barn was full of chickens, sheep, and a cow.
Once in the barn, Genevieve was really excited to show us how to flip a sheep. Now, I’m not entirely sure where you would use this skill but if she were in a sheep-flipping contest, she would probably win.
Some of the younger chickens in the coop outside. They were thirsty and their water rationing machine was a modern marvel of engineering.
There was even an outhouse, with separate men's and women’s toilets.
We took a picture of ourselves chewing on Timothy Grass. My eyes are closed and Genevieve had just gone running, so this is a pretty stellar picture of us. Isaac looks like a champ, though.
Aaaand their dog. Isaac decided to take my camera and take pictures of whatever he saw fit. This picture of their dog turned out beautifully! I sneezed a lot because I’m semi-allergic. But it was soo big and cute that I couldn’t resist petting it.
my bunny eats timothy hay! do they grow the grass at their farm (on purpose)? or is it like a weed that just happens to be there? i'm trying to find someone who can sell me a whole bale of it because it's the total opposite of cost effective at the pet store lol