New York City. Sigh. It has everything. Especially specialty craft stores. Sigh. I found a bunch of craft stores near Fashion Ave. I drooled over the plethora of beads and rows of ribbons. I also unsuccessfully looked for Mood Fabrics. One day, Mood, I will conquer you and succeed in walking through your famous doors! Maybe I’ll even get to buy some fabric.

I wonder if this restaurant participated in restaurant week. With a multitude of gastronomies, how could I go here and not find something that I wanted? Alas, I went here and didn’t find anything I wanted. Oh well, maybe next time.

On Fashion Ave (I thin it’s 7th), I played with the notion…er, played with the notions! Large needle and button! So cute!

Oh, Mr. Sewing Machine Man, do you need an apprentice? I will be more than willing to help you out. 2 weeks till I get my sewing machine! I’m so excited. Let me tell you, it’s been hell without it. I’ve had to devote myself to learning other types of crafts that don’t involve my sewing machine.
If you have been to the University of Michigan’s Museum of Art (or walked down State St. in Ann Arbor), you would have seen some large red art piece in front of the museum. I found one extrodinarily similar to it in down-downtown NYC. It always makes me happy to find these. There was one in Austin, TX on UT’s campus and I hear that there is one in Boston, too!
I made Happy take this picture of me. I thought it would look super cosmopolitan but I just look kind of silly with a stupid grin on my face. Some might even say I look…presh?
Happy and I are being awesome and sitting on the steps of the Met. The Met is an awesome museum. Many a woman find what they are looking for in that museum…
And this is who women find. This is a sculpture of Hercules (with fantastic natural lighting, I might add) that is approximately twice the size of a normal-sized human. I don’t know if he was actually this large, but it doesn’t really matter. I saw several women take pictures with their hands cupping his cash and prizes. Several older women. I kid you not. At the Met. Way to show maturity.

Cupid and Psyche. The story of Cupid and Psyche is my favorite myth. Generally, it’s also my favorite depiction in art.
Anyway, on to the merriment. For the fireworks, I met up with some friends etc. that went to Michigan. On the way to the Westside, we encountered some finger puppets…This is the pregame. (But seriously, what kind of puppet pregames fireworks? I think it may have a problem.)

Two more finger puppets were taking a nice little coffee table boat ride in their paper boat with their paper umbrella. When I got back to Ohio, I somehow managed to smuggle Wolfy in my purse. (Wolfy is the one in the back of the boat.)

I got to watch the Macy’s fireworks over the Hudson river. They were spectacular! Someone needs to tell me that my camera does not do a very good job of taking pictures of fireworks.
My trip to New York was lovely. Yes, I did find labels and love in New York. But love, like fashion (and even time), is fleeting.