Sunday, May 9, 2010


The University of Michigan commencement ceremonies occurred last weekend in Ann Arbor, MI. The commencement speaker was none other than the PotUS himself, Barack Obama!

The weather that day was mildly interesting. Between 6:15am and 11:00 am, my moistness catapulted between slightly damp and soaking wet. Thank you, rain! From 11-12:45, it was very cloudy and not raining. Then, as soon as the ceremony ended, it got sunny. Here are some pictures.


Can you see him??


That’s better.



I like the two previous pictures mostly for the closed captioning. Someone, I do not remember who said it, told Obama, “Thank you for not going to That School down south.” :)

In other commencement related news, I graduated in December 2008. But I walked at the engineering graduation in May 2009 because at December grad, they didn’t have a separate graduation for engineering (and partly because some of my friends made me).

I did not attend this year’s engineering commencement ceremony because it is both boring and long (bad combination). But as soon as the ceremony started, I started receiving picture messages of the same thing…ME.

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That’s right. The front cover of the graduation booklet has a picture of me and my friend Prakit. And that’s not all…


As soon as you open the booklet, there’s a picture of me chest-bumping the dean of Engineering (the picture on the left). Last year around graduation, the “Swine Flu” scare was changing habits everywhere. Instead of shaking the dean’s hand, you could do-si-do, bow, or do whatever you wanted. I ended up chest-bumping, and since he’s about twice my height, it is an awkward picture.

I also saw this picture in the Michigan engineering booklet that they hand out to recruiters when they go back to recruit. I was one of those recruiters…and this picture of me is in that booklet. It’s EVERYWHERE.




  1. I thought I was cool for graduating barefoot. Oh well you win.

  2. This better be in next year's recruiting booklet because i want a copy!! ^_^

  3. hey at least you weren't quoted in that university newspaper thing (not the daily) that you were in line at the president's house just because you want to shake mary sue's hand and eat some food. go me.

  4. also, i love that in the pic of you chest-bumping the dean, he has his arms wayyyy up in the air. kinda makes me think of little kids. except that he's HUGE.

  5. LOL I think it was Jennifer Granholm that said that to Obama :)
