Monday, January 4, 2010

They are going to write a romantic comedy about my life someday

Romantic. Comedy. It will be funny for you, but unfunny for me. Yes, you will all be rooting for me to get together with Zac Efron at the end. But along the way, I will meet some vampires who are incredibly pasty and frail (and glittery). They'll just be bloodsuckers. But it will be ok. It will end with a leather-studded kiss in the sand!

Anyway...enough about me. The break was a busy one, craftily.

I found these cute little side tables. But...with my new obsession with paper mosaic (and dark brown furniture) I had to do some mosaicking.
AW so cute! I'm such a fan of paper mosaic! It's so pretty!
Also, with my love affair with seatbelts, I made a seatbelt wallet. It's pretty damn sweet. It was for a white elephant and it came with tea and 4 (FOUR!) (an excited number four, not four factorial) romance novels. I hope the stories are more entertaining than my romantic comedy of a life.
Maybe it will keep his/her money safe. I say his/her because I have no idea who ended up with it.

I found a face in my lunchbox!


  1. I love your side tables!
    Have you seen the American Express commercials? I bet yes. Do you always eat 2 oranges and an apple for lunch? My brother's science project was to leave peeled bananas laying around and see what would happen. One in the garage under a glass bowl, one on the counter, one in the cupboard, one right next to the fireplace.

  2. Not four factorial, ha! Just added your blog to my reader.



    srsly, plz tell me.
