April 5, 2009
1pm - Got Brunch with the bf, walked because it looked like a fine spring day.
5pm - It started raining and got me so da-amp.
6pm - Decided to stay in AA for an extra day so I could cook dinner for the bf
April 6, 2009
1am - Thought that staying might have been a poor decision because it started snowing
12pm - Woke up luxuriously and ate lunch (leftovers of prev. night's cooking)
1pm - Looked outside
1:01pm - Hid under covers for a few minutes because the entire outside had been erased and now was just a blank white piece of paper or similar. Decided to drive home at 3pm.
3pm - Did not drive home.
3:15pm - Reluctantly decided to drive home. Could not find car.
3:20pm - Found car, it had miraculously changed color from Sky Blue to White, no wonder couldn't find it. Was extremely thankful that my snow brush was still in the car
3:24 pm - Finished brushing THREE INCHES of snow off the car
April 7, 2009
1pm - Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head
2pm - The second snow of spring!
6:30 pm - Frosty the snow man was a very jolly soul. He was also excited that he got to unhibernate.
6:35pm - It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
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