My friend’s bachelorette party is this weekend, and I have been racking my brain for a present to make her since I think forcing your lingerie choices on someone is kind of a dumb present and also I’m poor. I had the brilliant idea of getting her some Harlequin novels, since bachelorette party gifts are usually silly, but then I had the inspired idea to make her a harlequin novel with a picture of her and her fiancĂ© as the cover!
I started by using a Harlequin cover I found on the internet and basically copying it and adding my friends’ names and love story.
In its printed glory! This picture, if you can believe it or not, is one of their engagement photos. It looks so … Harlequinny! (The title comes from the fact that they are two med students about to start residency in New York City!)
I folded the sides of the paper over onto the front cover of a 8x5.5” notebook that I had lying around my apartment. (I don’t know how I end up acquiring so many notebooks. My guess is that all the engineering recruiters give them to us at career fairs, judging from the engineering firm names splayed on the covers.
I attached the covers to the notebook, which I had re-strung with embroidery floss, and glued it together.
It basically looks like a real Harlequin novel. Gosh, I hope the bride doesn’t hate me for not getting her lingerie as a present.