I had coffee last Saturday with my friend Anjalee, who is going to dental school in Boston soon. With her moving so far away, I was coaxing her to make a to-do list of everything she needed to do before she left. She whipped out her notebook, and I was instantly smitten. It was love at first sight. Of course, I’m not one to spend $16 on another notebook since I own about 300 already, so I was all, “LET ME MAKE THIS, NOT ONLY WILL I BE ABLE TO BE MORE ORGANIZED, I CAN ALSO DO A CRAFT INSTEAD OF ORGANIZE MY APARTMENT.” I’ll bet you can see the irony.
I started with this tiny notebook that I got from somewhere that one time. It is probably 4 inches by 2.5 inches, but really, who can tell? I can’t. I also used a map of “Northwestern States” according to AAA. But it ranged from Wisconsin to Washington. I do not consider Wisconsin a Northwestern State, but who am I to argue with AAA? (Seriously, Wisconsin??)

I unwound the spiral and then I glued the map to the front and back of the notebook cover. I also covered the spiral holes. <Fun Fact>If you google notebook, you get mostly computers. I was trying to figure out standard sizes for these notebooks but I got a bunch of websites trying to sell me a Mac. I’ve had this laptop since ‘06 and it still is SO FAST. I’m keeping it until it dies. </Fun Fact>
I poked four holes in the top of the top of teh notebook for the attachment method I’ll describe next. Also, if you’re ever planning on getting lost in the Black River Falls area in Wisconsin, you should just bookmark this blogpost for future reference because this picture will be very helpful.
I attached everything together by putting embroidery thread through hte holes and tying some knots. They’re probably easily breakable, though. Bella Swan Anastasia Steele would be like, “These knots suck! Edward Cullen Christian Grey is sooo much better at tying them.”
Then, I painted the bottom of the front gold because I was stupid and I didn’t measure twice, cut once. The bottom of the notebook had the index letters and they looked uncute. So I covered them. The gold only looks ok.

Wow! For once, my to-do list is empty! Probably because I haven’t started using this notebook for its intended purpose. I’ll probably cover more notebooks with maps because they’re just SO CUTE and who knows when you’ll need a map of Forks, WA?