Yeah. That was the dumbest title ever.
I bought this gorgeous blue dress from a thrift store in order to wear it for New Year’s Eve in ATL, but clearly I didn’t, since I’m posting about it now. I think this dress is from 1982 . Retro glamour!
Ummm…I don’t have any during pictures except this one. I’ll just tell you what I did. First, I cut the sleeves off since zigzag hems are SO not in right now. Then, instead of doing what a normal dressmaker would do (put the dress on a mannequin and take it in that way), I did what Nidhi dressmaker does. Turned the dress inside out and pinned it to myself exactly. I hand-sewed the dress down the side and then finished the sleeves by tucking them under.
Unfortunately, the stupid zigzag hem also goes to the … hem at the bottom. (Maybe I’ve been using hem incorrectly?) I cut off the bottom and hemmed it as well.
I ended up wearing this for my friends Emily and Hans’ Academy Awards party. While I was sorely disappointed that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II didn’t take home every single award, I was excited by the fact that the party had a red carpet photobooth. Commence narcissism. Ohhhh. Girl look at that body.
Check out my beautiful yellow stilettos. (It was only Maize and Blue on purpose a little bit.)
Ali wanted in on the action. “Let’s take a high school prom photo!” Clearly I had no idea what a prom photo was, since as soon as she slipped her hands on my waist, I was shocked. It’s like I’m Baby and this is Dirty Dancing.
Ali made this amazing Oscar necklace out of Silhouette-cut scrapbook paper. Isn’t that amazing?? (Seriously. Read her blog. I love her commentary.)
And then the night degenerated. We found Emily’s mannequin, I named her ‘Mannie’ (-ie because Manny sounds too mannish…hehe), and then I traced Hans’ face on a paper plate. That’s really what Hans looks like.
Happy 3rd Blogiversary to me!