Monday, February 27, 2012

And the Oscar Goes to…Nidhi and her 3rd blogiversary!

Yeah. That was the dumbest title ever.

I bought this gorgeous blue dress from a thrift store in order to wear it for New Year’s Eve in ATL, but clearly I didn’t, since I’m posting about it now. I think this dress is from 1982 . Retro glamour!

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Ummm…I don’t have any during pictures except this one. I’ll just tell you what I did. First, I cut the sleeves off since zigzag hems are SO not in right now. Then, instead of doing what a normal dressmaker would do (put the dress on a mannequin and take it in that way), I did what Nidhi dressmaker does. Turned the dress inside out and pinned it to myself exactly. I hand-sewed the dress down the side and then finished the sleeves by tucking them under.

Unfortunately, the stupid zigzag hem also goes to the … hem at the bottom. (Maybe I’ve been using hem incorrectly?) I cut off the bottom and hemmed it as well.

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I ended up wearing this for my friends Emily and Hans’ Academy Awards party. While I was sorely disappointed that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II didn’t take home every single award, I was excited by the fact that the party had a red carpet photobooth. Commence narcissism. Ohhhh. Girl look at that body.

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Check out my beautiful yellow stilettos. (It was only Maize and Blue on purpose a little bit.)

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Ali wanted in on the action. “Let’s take a high school prom photo!” Clearly I had no idea what a prom photo was, since as soon as she slipped her hands on my waist, I was shocked. It’s like I’m Baby and this is Dirty Dancing.

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Ali made this amazing Oscar necklace out of Silhouette-cut scrapbook paper. Isn’t that amazing?? (Seriously. Read her blog. I love her commentary.)

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And then the night degenerated. We found Emily’s mannequin, I named her ‘Mannie’ (-ie because Manny sounds too mannish…hehe), and then I traced Hans’ face on a paper plate. That’s really what Hans looks like. 

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Happy 3rd Blogiversary to me!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Faith and George Michael

George Michael is one of my 80s crushes (yes, from the ages of 0-3) and ‘Faith’ is probably one of my favorite songs. (Ohmygah, he is so gorgeous in that music video, especially at the beginning when it’s like 5 minutes of his tight jeans.) I painted this mini-poster on August 29, 2011 when I felt like I was losing faith (in I don’t know what). (I know this because I posted it on facebook, and barely anyone commented. Assholes! Why does anyone post anything on facebook anyway?) I made this by using MSpaint to somehow make the words approximately the same width and then using my famed trace method.

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Yesterday, after making my beautiful Ohio watercolor (not to be confused with the Beautiful Ohio plates), I had the spectacular idea to somehow paint George Michael in watercolor onto this very plain poster.

So I found this photo of George Michael on the internet with his signature sunglasses. I want your sex.

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Then, I used fauxtoshop (GIMP) to change this into a stencil type thingy by using some internet tutorial. Easy!

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Traced it onto the sheet and purple watercolored the jitterbug out of it.

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I touched up some of the black lettering, because even though watercolor is mostly clear, it’s not all the way clear, so some of the lettering had splotchiness. He looks stupid hot in purple.

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You gotta have faith-a-faith-a-faith. Also I think this encyclopedia article is about coffee.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cleveland Watercolor

I grew up in Michigan and supposedly should hate the state (Ohio) that I live in. Well, I still hate TOSU, but I’ve grown to love the city (Cleveland) that I live in.

I so stole this idea from this blogpost. I was like, ‘omg that is so brills I must have one for my walls’ and true to form, I painted it on encyclopedia paper. UNFORTUNATELY, I tore all the ‘Cleveland’ pages out in a frenzy when I realized that I had the Cleveland encyclopedia entry, and then I apparently promptly went on a cleaning frenzy and recycled them because now they’re nowhere to be found. So I painted them on the ‘Verse’ page.

This super accurate outline of Ohio was done by holding my paper upto the computer screen and tracing an image from Google. And that, my friends, is how I gained my wonderous drawing skillz.

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I then plopped down on my couch, turned on the most recent episode of Gossip Girl, ultimately decided I do want to be in a relationship but only with a prince, and started having a go at it with the blue and green watercolors.

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Then I framed it and now it’s hanging on my wall. Gorgeous, right? There’s a heart where Cleveland’s supposed to be, just since Cleveland’s stolen my heart several times since I’ve moved here. ♥ /gag.

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Congrats to the Valentine’s Day winners, Ish and PM (won via because I somehow managed to get more than 2 comments)! I’ll mail them to you and they should get to you by St. Patrick’s Day.

Monday, February 6, 2012

You’re, Your, and Us.

If I were into romantic relationships (I’m not), one of my dealbreakers would be men who cannot use ‘you’re’ and ‘your’ properly. I’m not a grammar expert (I’m an engineer and will sometimes write sentences in my e-mails that have no subject), but I’ve noticed that so many men that try to seduce me (at least 3) have switched up ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ (most commonly, said ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re’. To that, I say, “Dealbreaker!
In the interest of making at least some men tolerable to me (all of them that read my blog), I’ve devised a very Valentine’s method of helping you remember the difference! (Sidenote: It probably won’t help at all.)
This card is supposed to say, ‘You’re the apple of my eye.’ You’re is supposed to be used IFF you can separate it into ‘you are’. And the square root of negative one is i; I’m taking it here to mean i==eye (which is only true phonetically). These cards are made on business cards!
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This next card is a nod to last night’s Superbowl halftime show. I have this ‘Borderline’ creepy obsession with Redfoo from LMFAO (see what I did there?), so when I found a photoshoot of LMFAO in December’s issue of Anti-Feminism Cosmopolitan magazine (that I accidentally subscribe to anyway), I ‘Jump’ed on it. (That’s another Madonna reference.) Your should be used when you are describing possession. If you can say ‘you are’ instead of ‘your’, YOU SHOULD NOT BE USING ‘YOUR’.
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Clearly, I shouldn’t be an English teacher, because I’m crap at explaining grammar. #girllookatthatbody IDK, I guess if you want one, leave a comment on this post explaining why I should be your valentine and I will mail you one of them. THIS DOES NOT IMPLY THAT I WILL ACTUALLY BE YOUR VALENTINE. If there are more than 2 comments (unlikely), I will pick you based on something purely superficial, like a random number generator. Contest ends February 10.