My first away game = success! (No, I didn’t get to corrupt any Notre Dame boys) (Mom, don’t ask me what that means)
I went to South Bend this weekend to watch college football in the form of Michigan @ Notre Dame. It was nice and rainy until about 3p, then at kickoff, it was nice and not rainy, then around 7p the cloud cover to the stadium started opening (probably for a Michigan win!)
On the way to the stadium, we saw part of the ND marching band doing weird things.

Oh hm, are those what real stadium lights look like? Michigan always rents stadium lights when we have night-er games (aka 3:30 games that are later in the season). I think this is because the Big Ten pays to rent them, but the Michigan football program would have to pay to install them.
The footballers run onto the field amidst boos and cheers. The stadium had a high percentage of Michigan fans. Sometimes, when a good thing for Michigan would happen, there would be cheering and I would get confused. “Why is everyone cheering? That’s a BAD thing for Notre Dame.” Luckily, I got un-confused (unfused?) and saw that there were many of the Michigan minority and started cheering even louder.
This is a pretty sweet picture of the scoreboard. Michigan ball and all 1s, no 0s. /nerd. (I may or may not have ‘shopped the time that originally said “1:33”)
Matt drove 170 miles all the way from Ann Arbor just to watch his team lose. Again. (Last year he drove from ND to Michigan for the game. This year he is a traitor, doing grad school at Michigan). Hey, check out that awesome scarf around my neck that I finished knitting that morning!
The final score! During the 4th quarter, I was shaking so bad it felt like I was standing on jelly legs. I was shaking even when we were up by ~10 points (and for good reason). I think I was shaking until about 10p.
(Non-Sequitor: we watched Aladdin after the game and when it finished, Matt and I simultaneously said words.
Nidhi: Why can’t real life be like this movie?
Matt: If I ever have daughters, they’re not allowed to watch this movie.)
When you’re in South Bend, you have to emulate Touchdown Jesus when your team wins and the Notre Dame marching band is playing sad, sad songs in the background.

You also have to dance around when you follow the Michigan Marching Band after the game. The blurry person is me, dancing.
Does this make me a deeb? I put this nice picture of the scoreboard on a ND coworker’s computer monitor. I bet he can’t believe his team lost. On his B-day! Ok, it probably makes me a deeb. I’m ok with that.
And now…Michigan is RANKED! 20! We Notre Damned those Notre Lameasses!
(ps...guess who was trippin' up all over his untied shoelaces in South Bend this weekend for ME?)