Dear Michigan Football,
This time around, it was going to be different. You promised that you wouldn't let me down after what you did to me last year. I, being a hopeless romantic, took you back.
The first few weeks in September, you were a changed football team. You beat Notre Dumb (and I got a 6 pack of Sam Adams out of it - kids, generally betting is bad) and I was elated. You continued to be undefeated and we had a fantastic September. It was glorious - we were ranked. I was love drunk, no alcohol required.
Then, you went away for a game. I understand, long distance is difficult. Only 18% of long distance couples stay together. I thought we were going to be part of that percentage. The first time you lost, I thought, "It's ok, it was a one-time thing. It won't happen again." And I took you back.
Then it happened again.
I trusted you. Don't you get it? It's not like when we're apart, you can be unfaithful to me. You told me you were going to win. And I believed you. I took you back again, because when you're in love, it's hard to stay away. 7 games into the season, you had won 5 and I believed we were going to go all the way (to a bowl game). I tried to keep my trust in you, but it's hard to trust a team that loses their little brother twice in a row.
Yesterday was the last straw. The 2009 Michigan Football season, you and I are over. I felt like you were purposefully taking digs at me, throwing playful catches to OSU when you very well knew that I didn't like that. This relationship didn't have to end. It could have continued on for a few more months. But you had to end it. If you really loved me, you would have made an effort.
But you know what? I get it. When a cute girl walks by, you are going to fumble the ball.
Call me next September when you are ready for me. I'll be waiting for you. And I don't want to stop at third base.