I've been making AND altering stuff (life is awesome when you have a closet full of junk!)
I got this fabric from a friend about 3 or 4 years ago from Suriname, and I JUST NOW made something out of it. The skirt is awesome and flouncy and summery. I love it! It's everything a skirt should be. Haaaaaave you met skirt?

I found a framed picture of teddy bears (wtf) in my room approx 8x10" so I decided to revamp the whole thing. Really? Teddy Bears? Magazine collage. It's a leaf now, in case you couldn't tell.


I found this frame at the Dollar store years ago, in hopes of revamping it. I'm slow. Mod Podge and tissue papery goodness.


Also, peace signs are apparently back in style like a celebrity. I made a crappy collage of a peace sign. It's really boring and lame, I know.