So...I think my Inner Sex Goddess is mad at me.
How do I know this? The truth is, I don't. Having your ISG mad at you is kind of like having one of those girlfriends who, for some reason, gets mad at you and suddenly you are the bane of her existence and don't know why.
Why do I think my ISG is mad at me?
I unleashed my Inner Sex Goddess like Cosmopolitan told me to, and now she's OUT and won't go back in. She won't let me live my life and keeps intruding on every single part. Such as last week, when I was eating lunch, she really wanted some, so she attempted to control my mind to do things that were completely inappropriate for a lunch at Zingerman's. (Tasty, by the way.)
Of course, I (being a rational human being) had to stop her from putting all these spicy thoughts into my head (ok, you got me. I had some spiciness on my sandwich).
ISG, please don't be mad at me. Also, since you're a figment of my imagination, try not to act like that Number Six from Battlestar Galactica.